Theo Cockrean

Camera Assistant and Live Events Camera Operator


When did your interest in moving-image start?


Since a young age, I've been interested in working in TV and Film. A blend of an interest in photography and the desire to have a job which allowed me to do cool things. 

I would say that the initial draw for me was as much about the lifestyle as it is the kind of the actual craft, I suppose. I’m a big camera nerd now but I think originally I was just drawn to it from the point of view of being able to have a career that allowed me to do all the exciting things that I saw on TV.


What do you currently do?


So I'm very recently freelance. And for this first part of this stage of my career, it's been super varied. I've been finding myself working on a huge variety of productions, which is something which I personally really enjoy and I feel it helps make me a better camera assistant.

It's been a case of taking whatever comes my way for the moment. But predominantly, as much camera assisting as I can do - the better. I just really enjoy being in that kind of a supporting role - the technical and logistical aspects and really: just getting out there.


What kind of areas do you want to do more assisting in? What direction do you want to go?


I really enjoy working in commercials and factual. They’re super fun because again, they’re varied and interesting, as well as presenting challenges for us assistants.


Do you have an idea of ‘a dream job’?


I think this sounds horrendously cliche, but I would say that I probably don't. 

I don't think I will know what my dream job is even while I’m doing it. I think it'll be like a retrospective look back and say - “yeah.. that was really good”

I think the mystery of what jobs are coming up next is also one of the most exciting bits for me as well. So yeah, trying to embrace that as much as I can.


Have you had any strange or surprising jobs, moments at work?


They're actually all rather mundane, I would say, I can't think of anything, too crazy.

[Theo thinks]

I guess, over COVID, I think in the same week - I was working on interviews with a ex member of al Qaeda who now works for MI5, and then the next week - a former US vice-president. 

That was bizarre. 


What a combo… 

Miles (cont.):

By the way - I mentioned I was going to ask you this - but you've got a love for Wong Kar Wai films?


Oh, yeah.

[Laughs] I should have done my pre-reading.


So there's a poster behind you on the wall there for In the Mood for Love - which is my favourite film of his so far.

I was recommended it by a DP, on a short film that I worked on. She, I and others were talking about really visually strong films and it came up in conversation. 

And then that kind of helped find other interesting films. Part of an informative journey, exploring visual styles.


I want to ask this question to more people. What's your favourite terrible film?

A film that’s objectively bad but at the same time - enjoyable all the more for it.


I don't see this as a bad film and I'll defend this till the end - but I really enjoyed Kung Fu Panda. I think that I think that's an underrated film. That and Ratatouille I think are amazing films but I don't think that answers your question.

I would say that I'm passionate about those films [Theo laughs]


[Thinking] Not too long ago. I rewatched Legally Blonde. 

I'm convinced it's a genuinely good film - ahead of its time. [Miles laughs]

It’s dated but feels like a discreetly-feminist film, in a Hollywood disguise.


[Amiably bemused] Okay okay, nice!


It’s honestly worth a watch. 

Miles (cont.):

What’s life like outside of work? Do you manage to find time for hobbies, respite?


I love getting outdoors. So I really enjoy hiking, climbing and surfing. I've always been a bit of a water baby I guess, that's the best way to put it.

Those three things take up a fair bit of my time, along with all things electronic music and seeing friends. 


I’ve seen your decks and danced to your mixing. Are you a budding electronic artist?


Not an electronic artist, no. Maybe just someone with a laptop [laughs].


Going back to your work - is there a bit of equipment that you can't live without.? Something that’s relentlessly useful to have on set? 


Definitely my Leatherman… Insert brand name here.

[Theo leans into the voice recorder and speaks purposely] I’ll definitely accept free stuff [laughs].

But the honest truth is that no matter what sort of job I'm doing, I always have that with me. And invariably - I actually use it.

Lastly and flippantly - do you suffer any nightmares about working on set that you want to share?


Just constantly re-pairing Teradeks and no more than that 

[both laugh]



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Nick Gaven